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Slovenská Asociácia Dynamickej Streľby

Slovenská Asociácia Dynamickej Streľby

Slovenská Asociácia Dynamickej Streľby

Slovenská Asociácia Dynamickej Streľby

Výzva na obsadenie miesta Národného inštruktora pre bezpečnosť streľby SADS

11. júna 2018

Vážení členovia SADS,

SADS vypisuje výzvu na obsadenie pozície Národný inštruktor pre bezpečnosť streľby.

Kritériá pre Národného inštruktora pre bezpečnosť streľby pre SADS pod IPSC:

- člen SNROI aspoň 3 roky (hodnosť aspoň CRO preferovaná)
- členstvo v SADS aspoň 5 rokov
- úspešné absolvovanie aspoň 10-tich pretekov lvl 3 ako strelec
- angličtina na úrovni A+

Informácie o pozícii sú z IPSC nasledovné:

The MISSIA structure, sequence of training topics (handgun, shotgun, rifle), safe groups teaching methods, removal of the main mistakes made by shooters and the testing system for competitors and Instructors will be the main topics. 

The International IPSC Instructor for every IPSC Region must meet the following minimum criteria:
- Must be able to demonstrate reasonably high shooting skills;
- Must be able to train and certify new members, passing on his knowledge of safe handling and use of firearms, according to the approved training syllabus;
- Must either be an IROA or NROI member, or become one within six months of the date of passing the MISSIA International Instructors Seminar;
- Must be willing to teach people IPSC shooting skills;
- Should be available to conduct IPSC classes during weekends, if it is required;
- Must train a minimum of 5 new IPSC members each year per Region;
- Must pass the First Aid Seminar from an approved course provider, or take part in one within six months of the date of passing the MISSIA International Instructors Seminar;
- Must speak English. The Master International Shooting Safety Instructors Association (MISSIA) was created within the IPSC structure for the accreditation, recognition and maintenance of International Shooting Safety Instructors and to establish international standards for safe gun handling classes and IPSC coaching skills.

One International Instructor, called a Master International Instructor, will be appointed in every IPSC Region.

The Master Instructor will then pass on to the other Instructors and Coaches in his Region the minimum IPSC international training standards.

Záujemcovia spĺňajúce tieto kritéria zašlite svoju Žiadosť na email: prezident@sads.sk do 15.júna 2018 do 20.00 hod.

S pozdravom,

Ing. Janette Haviarová
Prezident SADS

Reprezentácia SADS